Belajar merupakan suatu proses yang dilakukan terus menerus oleh manusia selama hidupnya. Proses belajar ini bahkan telah dimulai ketika manusia tersebut masih dalam rahim ibunya. Namun sayangnya belajar masih dipahami dengan artian yang sempit oleh manusia. Belajar masih dianggap suatu proses yang isinya hanya menghapal, menghapal dan menghapal saja seperti yang kita alami saat kita masih bersekolah atau kuliah. Belajar sendiri bukan hanya milik manusia semata karena tumbuhan dan hewan atau segala makhluk hidup di bumi juga mengalami proses belajar dengan caranya masing-masing dengan menerima stimulus dari lingkungan sekitar yang digunakan untuk mempertahankan hidup.
Individu yang belajar maka dalam dirinya akan ada perubahan pada kemampuan (kapabilitas) dan perilaku baik secara mental maupun fisik yang didapat melalui pengalaman dengan berbagai macam cara dan mekanisme baik itu terjadi secara sadar maupun bawah sadar.
TML (Total-Mind Learning) merupakan istilah yang mungkin baru untuk anda dan mungkin juga saya. TML sendiri merupakan suatu langkah revolusioner yang merubah paradigma kita tentang arti "Belajar". TML ini sendiri hadir sebagai jawaban atas pemahaman manusia kebanyakan tentang arti belajar dengan memperluas arti belajar itu sendiri dengan mengoptimalkan segala potensi yang ada namun belum termanfaatkan sehingga pada akhirnya dapat mengoptimalisasi hasil pembelajaran.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Introduksi pada Total Mind Learning
Tag :
prima study,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bimbingan Belajar Prima Study
Judul tulisan di atas saya buat bukan bermaksud menyinggung Prima Study namun saya justru ingin meluruskan Prima Study bahwa ia adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan, training dan konsultasi yang notabene jauh dari label BimBel (Bimbingan Belajar) yang biasa kita kenal. Malahan bimbel yang satu ini sama sekali tidak memberikan satupun materi yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran di sekolah maupun dikuliah. Bagaimana bisa?
Tag :
prima study
Monday, June 22, 2009
Returnil Virtual System 2008 Personal Edition
Returnil Virtual System is a software that be able to protect your computer from unwanted changes e.g. computer virus, Trojan, etc. So it can keep your computer clean and safe from those threats. It’s different from other protection software that need frequent update such as antivirus or antispyware.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
FlexTk Express – A Full Featured File Manager
FlexTk Express maybe not the best file manager you can find but it offers many features that no other file manager have. Here’s some feature that FlexTk Express has:
1. File Searching
You can search for files with matching criteria (by category, types, tag, attributes, filename, path, etc.). This feature is very unique because it offers more than 15 searching criteria so you can accurately find the files you want.
2. Files & Directory Synchronization
This feature can be used to sync files and directory from one to another directory.
3. File Classification
This feature can be used to classify the files by its type (images, archive, movies, temporary, music, etc.) so you can know every files you have by its type.
4. Storage Utilization Analysis
This feature will analyze used space in your drives so you can know which files that take much space or which files that take less space. The analysis is shown in percentage.
5. Find Duplicate Files
This feature can be used to find duplicate files in your drive so you can save more space by deleting the duplicates.
6. Drive Clean Up
This feature can be used to clean up the unused files (cookies, temporary files, deleted files, etc.) so you can free up more space.
AntiFreeze - Emergency Task Manager
Sometimes you may find that your computer locks up or become not responding. Then you may hit Ctrl + Alt + Del button to bring up Windows Task Manager to end the program that is not responding. Sometimes your computer doesn’t respond to your Ctrl + Alt + Del button so you cannot end the unresponsive program then you desperately press the reset button.
AntiFreeze is an emergency task manager that may help you recover your system from not responding state. It can be used as the last recourse before you decided to press the reset button so you can save your work. To use the AntiFreeze just hit Ctrl+Win+Alt+Home and all of the program that currently running in your computer will be suspended and you can end the unresponsive program and recover your system. AntiFreeze is not guaranteed to work in all condition but it’s a better solution than Windows Task Manager to recover your system.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
No$GBA Additional Tools : No$Zoomer
You must be already know about No$GBA, a Nintendo DS emulator for PC. It's a good NintendoDS emulator but you may realize that the No$GBA window is relatively small for monitor with large resolution (1027X 768 >>). On the another hand No$GBA provide no window rotation feature that needed for some games. That’s why we need an additional tool for No$GBA.
On my last post, I already tell you about NOZ, an No$GBA tools that support that support both zooming features and window rotation. There are another No$GBA tools called No$Zoomer. No$Zoomer has similar feature to NOZ but with more features. The usage are the same, download the zip file, open the zip file with WinRAR or Winzip (if it’s zipped), extract the zip content and put it in the No$GBA root folder. Run No$Zoomer.exe and enjoy the show….
Here’s some NO$Zoomer capabilities :
1. Refresh rate adjustment (FPS setting)
2. Support window rotation
3. Window Scaling (scale up and bottom window size)
4. Screen filter
5. Fullscreen view
6. Window separation (separate the up and bottom window)
7. Mic support
8. Time & date change
9. Turbo mode
10. R4 cheat support
11. Rom Information
No$GBA Additional Tools : NOZ
You must be already know about No$GBA, a Nintendo DS emulator for PC. But you may realize that the No$GBA window is relatively small for monitor with large resolution (1027X 768 >>). On the another hand No$GBA provide no window rotation feature that needed for some games. That’s why we need an additional tool for No$GBA.
NOZ is one of No$GBA additional tools that support both zooming features and window rotation. You can download NOZ from the link below. After you downloaded the zip files, extract the content and put it in the No$GBA root folder. Run NOZ.exe and enjoy the show….
Here’s some NOZ capabilities :
1. Refresh rate adjustment (FPS setting)
2. Support window rotation
3. Window Swap (swap between up and bottom window)
4. Window Scaling (scale up and bottom window size)
5. Skinning support (Nintendo DS look on your PC)
6. Screen filter
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