Dragonrider's Headquarter

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Tired looking for your files/mp3’s in your CD-DVD collection? If must be a hard work checking your disc one-by-one especially when your collections are huge. CD-DVD Cataloging software will come handy for this job. Some examples of CD-DVD Cataloging software are VisualCD , InsideCAT and OfflineCDBrowser. Some of these software can also be used to include file contents in ZIP files, MP3 information (ID3 Tags), video information, picture Information and also thumbnails in their catalog. So you can easily find your files/MP3 or even your files that compressed in ZIP files.
I would recommend VisualCD for CD/Disk cataloging because the features are complete enough for cataloging purposes and also the indexing speed is quick. InsdeCAT offers more features but the indexing speed is rather slow. OfflineCDBrowser (OCDB) lack in features and it’s can only be used to index your files structure but it’s the quickest of them all.


Step 1. Run VisualCD from Start Menu

VisualCD GUI

You know how to do this one…

Step 2. Configuring VisualCD

Configuring Visual CD

- Click Options > Configuration
- Click Catalog tab
- Select the information you want to be indexed (ID3 Tag, Picture Information, etc.). If you include many options, it will slow down the indexing process. I recommend disabling some features to speed up indexing process.
- Click Apply then OK

Step 3. Begin cataloging your CD

Creating New Catalog

- Insert the CD you want to be indexed in CD/DVD Drive (you don’t have to insert anything if you just want to index your hardisk contents)
- Click Files > New
- Browse for files you want to be indexed
- Insert the catalog filename
- Set the catalog location
- Set the volume label (e.g MyBackup001)
- Add the catalog description (e.g My First CD Catalog)
- Click OK

Step 4. Searching for files in the catalog

Searching Files in Catalog

- Click Search > Files in Catalogs ..
- Type the information you want to find on Search Bar (e.g filename, ID3 Tags, etc.)
- If you want to include other catalog files, Click List > Add Catalog
- Set the Search Option (As needed)
- Click Seach Now
- View the Result in Search Results tab

Tips :
- You can update your catalog files by clicking Tools > Update Catalog ..
- You can password protect your catalog files by clicking Tools > Change Password

Okay, that’s all for now. As always, I hope this “short” explanation will be helpful for you. Don’t forget to leave comments okay? ^_^.

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Nokia Symbian S40 vs Symbian S60

Mungkin banyak diantara kita yang memiliki handset (mobile phone) bermerek Nokia, namun seringkali kita tidak tahu sistem operasi apa dan yang mana yang digunakan pada handset Nokia tersebut. Kebanyakan handset Nokia yang beredar menggunakan sistem operasi Symbian S40 atau Symbian S60 meskipun ada handset Nokia yang menggunakan sistem operasi Symbian seri yang lain. Namun dalam bahasan kali ini saya hanya akan membahas perbandingan antara sistem operasi Symbian S40 dengan Symbian S60 karena kedua sistem operasi ini yang banyak dipakai oleh kebanyakan handset Nokia.

Perbedaan OS Nokia Symbian S60 dengan OS Nokia Symbian S40 :

1. Nokia Symbian S60 memiliki tombol menu sedangkan Nokia Symbian S40 tidak.

Mari kita mulai dengan membedakan secara cepat mana handset dengan sistem operasi Symbian S40 dan Symbian S60.
Mengenali handset Nokia Symbian S60 cukup mudah ditandai dengan adanya tombol menu khusus untuk masuk ke menu utama. Pada handset Nokia Symbian S40 tidak ada tombol menu melainkan hanya softkey kiri dan kanan. (maaf, belum ada gambarnya untuk saat ini.)
Kedua perbedaan ini dapa anda gunakan untuk membedakan secara cepat ketika anda melihat suatu ponsel Nokia apakah ia menggunakan sistem operasi Nokia Symbian S40 atau Nokia Symbian S60.

2. Nokia Symbian S60 dapat menjalankan aplikasi Symbian sedangkan Nokia Symbian S40 tidak.

Memang aneh karena meskipun mengusung nama Symbian, Nokia Symbian S40 hanya dapat menjalankan aplikasi Java (.jar) dan tidak dapat menjalankan aplikasi Symbian (.sis). Sedangkan Nokia Symbian S60 sudah barang tentu dapat menjalankan aplikasi Symbian (.sis). Hal ini menjadikan Nokia Symbian S60 memiliki lebih banyak pilihan aplikasi untuk dijalankan.

3. Nokia Symbian S60 dapat terinfeksi virus sedangkan Nokia Symbian S40 tidak.

Benarkah demikian? Memang ternyata Nokia Symbian S40 tidak dapat terkena virus (sepanjang pengetahuan penulis sih begitu ...) karena Nokia Symbian S40 hanya dapat menjalankan Java sedangkan Nokia Symbian S60 berpotensi terinfeksi virus dari aplikasi Symbian. Hal ini menjadi nilai plus bagi Nokia Symbian S40 karena imun terhadap segala jenis virus ponsel sedangkan Nokia Symbian S60 harus diimunisasi dengan antivirus khusus Symbian agar tidak terinfeksi virus.

4. Nokia Symbian S60 dapat melakukan multitasking sedangkan Nokia Symbian S40 tidak.

Salah satu kelebihan lain dari Nokia Symbian S60 adalah kemampuannya untuk melakukan multitasking (menjalankan lebih dari satu aplikasi dalam satu waktu) sehingga memudahkan mereka yang sering berpindah-pindah antar aplikasi tanpa menutup aplikasi yang sedang berjalan. Sedangkan pada Nokia Symbian S40 yang notabene hanya dapat menjalankan satu aplikasi pada satu waktu maka anda harus bergantian ketika akan menjalankan aplikasi yang lain.
Sebagai contoh bila anda menggunakan handset Nokia Symbian S40 dan anda sedang chatting di eBuddy kemudian anda ingin browsing melalui Opera Mini anda hanya perlu meminimize aplikasi eBuddy dan menjalankan Opera Mini tanpa harus menutup eBuddy, namun bagi anda pengguna Nokia Symbian S40 maka anda harus menutup aplikasi eBuddy ketika akan menjalankan Opera Mini.

5. Aplikasi pada Nokia Symbian S40 tidak perlu di Install hanya di Copy-Paste-kan sedangkan pada Nokia Symbian S60 sebaliknya.
Ada lagi kelebihan Nokia Symbian S40 dari kemudahannya dalam menginstall aplikasi yaitu semua aplikasi yang berjalan di Nokia Symbian S40 dapat langsung si Copy-Paste-kan ke dalam handset bila anda menginstalasikannya dari PC. Sedangakan pada Nokia Symbian S60 ada proses instalasi ketika ingin menginstall aplikasi seperti layaknya sebuah PC.

Nah, anda kini telah mengetahui perbedaan antara handset Nokia Symbian S40 dengan OS Nokia Symbian S60 (bagi yang belum tahu ..). Kini anda mungkin menanyakan mana sistem operasi yang lebih baik apakah Nokia Symbian S40 atau Nokia Symbian S60.
Jawabannya tergantung dari selera dan kebutuhan anda. Bila anda tak ingin repot dengan urusan virus dan ingin kepraktisan dalam menginstall aplikasi maka Nokia Symbian S40 pilihannya. Sebaliknya bila anda ingin handset Nokia dengan kemampuan multitasking dan pilihan aplikasi yang lebih banyak maka Nokia Symbian S60 pilihan anda.

Baiklah, sekian untuk sekarang, jangan lupa bila anda berkenan tinggalkan sedikit komentar, kritik ataupun saran pada kolom komentar dibawah. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat.


Friday, January 23, 2009


Sometimes you need to write something in japanese character (kana) but most of us use english keyboard layout (QWERTY Keyboard). But you don't have to buy a new keyboard with japanese layout because you can use Windows XP features to write japanese character in your QWERTY keyboard.
Writing katakana or hiragana in WindowsXP can be done by configuring your keyboard layout to Japanese then you can type hiragana-katakana with natural input ( WYTWYG --> What You Type Is What You Get n_n).

Okay let's begin .....

Step 1. Journey to the Center of the Computer
Click Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options

Step 2. Installing Supplemental Language Support
- Go to Languages tab, give mark on Install files for East Asian Languages then click apply
- Insert Windows XP CD to CD Drive when asked

Step 3. Enabling Language Bar
Right click on the Taskbar > Choose Toolbar > Language Bar

Step 4. Adding Keyboard input for Japanese
- Right click on the Language Bar > Click Settings..
- Go to Settings Tab
- Choose Japanese
- Click Add > Keyboard Input/IME > Microsoft IME Standard 2002 ver. 8.1
- Click OK

Step 5. Writing Hiragana-Katakana with Natural Input
Natural Input --> WYTWYG (What You Type Is What You Get)

- On the language bar left click [EN] (English) button (if you’re using English keyboard layout)
- Choose Japanese [JP]
- Click Input Mode > Choose whatever you want (Hiragana/Katakana)
- Begin typing …

e.g if you want to type SAKURA in Japanese, then all you need to do is begin typing SA-KU-RA 「さくら」in you keyboard then it will be converted automatically in Hiragana/Katakana.

Extra Notes :
- If you unable to see extra button of the language bar, click on [EN]/[JP] button then click Show the Language Bar.
- You can press Left Alt + Shift to change between languages.

Okay, that’s all for now. I hope this “short” explanation will be helpful for you. Don’t forget to leave comment okay? ^_^ (Sorry, no pictures yet).

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Thursday, January 22, 2009


There are many disk partitioning tools e.g Partition Magic or Paragon Partition Manager but if you are looking for free and gpl licensed software, Parted Magic is your choice.

Parted Magic is a special linux distro for disk management and partitioning. You may download it from here.

There is other Linux disk management and partitioning OS like System Rescue CD or GParted but Parted Magic is more user friendly and easy to use.

After downloading Parted Magic you will get an ISO file and you need to burn the ISO file using CD burning software e.g Nero , Ashampoo Burning Studio or Deepburner or you can make a Live USB Bootdisk using syslinux utility (included in Parted Magic ISO). You can extract the files from ISO file using Winrar or ISOBuster.

Screenshot 01 – Parted Magic Menu

Step-by-step harddisk partitioning using Parted Magic:

Step 1. Set Your First Boot to CD or USB Disk

Set your First Boot from BIOS to CD (if you’re using CD) or USB Disk (if you’re using Live USB Bootdisk).

Step 2. Parted Magic Startup Menu

Select “Default settings” for running Parted Magic on RAM/Ejects CD or select “Do not eject CD” if you don’t want to remove the CD when Parted Magic is running.

Step 3. Parted Magic GUI

Select Gparted from Menu or Parted Magic Desktop for starting the Gparted Partition Manager.

Step 4. Partitioning the Disk



Screenshot 02 – Creating New Partition

- Select the disk that you want to be partitioned

- Click New

- Input the new size of the partition.

- Set the partition type (Logical or Primary Partition)

- Set the filesystem (FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS)

- Enter the label for the partition (optional)

- Click Add

- Follow the instruction above for remaining space of the harddisk

Notes: You have to make an Extended Partition if you want to make a Logical Partition.

Step 5. Executing Pending Operations

Screenshot 03 – Applying Pending Operations

- There will be pending operations on the bottom of the parted window. If you are ready to partition the disk, right click on the pending operations and click Apply All Operations.

Step 6. Finishing

- Make sure that every partition has been created successfully.

Screenshot 04 – List of Completed Operations

- Click close to close the notification window.


Extra Notes:

If you just want to resize or convert the existing partition on your harddisk, right click on the partition that you want to edit then click Resize/Move to resize/move your existing partition or click Format to to convert your partition to other filesystem. Just make sure that you backup your important data before doing this. Nobody knows if something bad happened to your data right? :p

Screenshot 05 – Resizing/Moving Existing Partition

Okay, that’s all for now. I hope this “short” explanation will be helpful for you. Don’t forget to leave comment okay? ^_^

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